Filtering by: yin

Decompression Time - Balance Your Yang with Yin
12:30 PM12:30

Decompression Time - Balance Your Yang with Yin

Purrlease, come join me and other fellow cat nappers for some deep relaxation!

In community, we will practice yoga and meditate. The style of yoga that will be practiced will be yin, a slow and static form of yoga. The poses are held passively, unlike yang yoga that focuses more on movement and effort. This practice has a focus on observing what comes up during and between poses while surrendering and softening through the experience. There are are certain poses and sequences that help stimulate particular subtle energy pathways; what is called meridians in Chinese medicine or chakras and nadis in yoga.

Personally, I normally like to practice yin yoga before going to bed or whenever my mind and body feels scattered and irritable.

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